You could have Arriv converting patients
for you tomorrow.

implementation is that easy


Questions about how Arriv will work with your facility?

Contact Us

Bring Arriv onboard in less than 24 hours.

Arriv tailors its patient experience to align with your health system or specific facilities’ goals. 

We do all of the heavy lifting:

We handle integration for you

We build out complete product instances for you, both internal and customer facing

We send you a snippet of JavaScript code to embed on your website - it’s that easy

Easily integrate with your existing system.

Arriv works seamlessly with 
85+ different EHRs.

Arriv is quickly customized to your current operational workflow. We won’t disrupt your operations, we’ll never change or interrupt.

Protect patient and facility data with the right security.

Arriv uses state-of-the-art security practices to ensure customer data is protected and ensures HIPAA compliance.

Try Arriv free for 30 days.

We’re so confident it will transform your health system, we’ll let you see the impact first.

How much revenue are you missing out on without Arriv?